
The World and the Word: An Introduction to the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

The World and the Word is a fresh introduction to the Old Testament driven largely by the fact that so much Christian preaching and teaching today increasingly ignores what is eighty percent of the Bible. Authors Eugene Merrill, Mark Rooker, and Michael Grisanti work through the world and text of the Old Testament always making three major points: • The Old Testament is a rich source of...

to be theological in the final analysis.33 Viewed from this perspective it seems clear that the intention of the book of Samuel is to show the why and how of the transition from a period in which “everyone did whatever he wanted” (Judg 21:25) to one in which God’s kingdom rule was entrusted to one man who was “after [God’s] own heart” (1 Sam 13:14 NIV). This “kingdom theology” is not by any means limited to Samuel. The Lord had promised through Jacob that “the scepter will not depart from Judah” (Gen
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